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Health Development International (HDI) has a Rapid Response Team to Prevent Obstetric Fistula

Health Development International (HDI) has a Rapid Response Team to Prevent Obstetric Fistula and Maternal Mortality. Their programs have resulted in some of the lowest Maternal Mortality rates in the world (1 death and 1 obstetric fistula in 126,000 births!! )This is better than most developed countries.

Workers in Niger teach villagers about the danger of prolonged obstructed labor.

Workers in Niger teach villagers about the danger of prolonged obstructed labor.

If a woman is in obstructed labor, she will be taken to the nearest surgeon by any method available- including an ambulance, donkey cart or a motorcycle. Using this approach they have significantly brought the maternal mortality and obstetric fistula rate down.

If a woman is in obstructed labor, she will be taken to the nearest surgeon by any method available- including an ambulance, donkey cart or a motorcycle. Using this approach they have significantly brought the maternal mortality and obstetric fistula rate down.

We have partnered with HDI both in their original project to see how they could successfully bring down the rate of maternal mortality and obstetric fistula in Niger, but also as they have expanded their program to a larger area.

Now PYSP is proud to support the training and work of Associate Midwives in Niger to help women deliver their children free of the fear of dying or developing an obstetric fistula.

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